Welcome to the Sprouts Ministry!
Here at Winchester Church of Christ, we believe that it is in the best interest of our 2s-5th families to create a group from which they can be identified and flourish within.
The Sprouts group is meant to be just that: a name in which our 2s-5th families can be identified by, create bonds within, and enjoy the love of Christ as we grow together. With continual work as a family, this children's ministry will thrive!

Biblical Education
On Sunday mornings after worship, we provide bible class for all ages beginning at 10:15 AM.
On Sunday nights, we provide age-appropriate teachings for children ages 2-years-old to 2nd grade. We call this time together "KFC" or "Kids For Christ".
Wednesday evenings we provide bible studies for all ages beginning at 7 PM.
Bi-monthly Events
In an effort to create a more stable and pre-determined schedule for our Sprouts, we have bi-monthly events available for this age group.
For example:
Easter Egg Hunt
Family Retreat
Vacation Bible School
Back to School Bash
...and more!
The View
It is our desire that this Sprouts Ministry blesses our families within our congregation by seeking to help provide spiritual opportunities for their children to continue to learn, grow, and love in a faithful environment. We hope you'll join us soon!
Youth Elder
T. Simmons

Youth & Family Minister
Daniel Ross

Sprouts Deacon
Jordan Lusk

Sprouts Deacon
Lucas Green